Modern Forest Economy of Xaayda Gwaay (Haida Gwaii)
In this video, Taan Forest employees and local contractors dive into Haida Gwaii's contemporary forest economy, emphasizing their dedication to sustainable forestry practices and community employment.
Be FireSmart: Protecting Your Home and Family from Wildfire
On Haida Gwaii wildfires have become a threat to our forests as we experience a rise in temperatures and an increase of droughts or dry spells. During the summer season unattended beach fires or campfires can impose a large risk to our forests. To address these issues, numerous approaches, including improved forest management, prevention measures, early warning systems, and firefighting capabilities, are used. Taan Forest collaborates with local authorities and the British Columbia Wildfire Service to provide support in fire suppression efforts and promote coordinated responses.
Logging with Responsibility: How Sustainable Practices Can Shape the Future of Forests
Logging when done sustainably and responsibly, can play a role in the future of forests by promoting healthy ecosystems and supporting long-term conservation. In this article we share how creating bear dens on Haida Gwaii holds significant importance for the conservation of bear populations on the islands. Included is recent footage of a bear den constructed by Taan Forest and Artemis Wildlife, being utilized.
Taan Forest’s Documentary
We are excited to share this Taan documentary. This video documents some of our forestry operations. It emphasizes our efforts in restoration and shows some of the people that are doing this important work.
LiDAR Technology in Forestry and Taan Operations
Taan Forest has been using LiDAR technology since the first scan of our tenures in 2015. Over the course of the past decade, this practice has become the golden standard due to its ability to provide exceptional topographic survey data.
Protecting and Managing Haida Gwaii Goshawk
The Taan Management Strategy focuses on a proactive approach to goshawk management within Taan tenures to manage for Goshawk habitat and forage needs based on past and current conditions of individual known and potential Goshawk territories. The strategy follows current legislated requirements but at an individual territory level of forage use, habitat enhancement techniques and prey management.
Protecting Haida Gwaii’s Working Forest
Taan Forest is committed to creating a successful forest business and economy on Haida Gwaii based on the management objectives of the Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order (HGLUOO). Unique to this order is the management of cultural heritage and forest features, culturally significant wildlife, significant protection of fish-bearing waters in addition to principles of Ecosystem-Based Management.
Taan Forest Reforestation Milestone
In 2021 we have already planted over 210,000 seedlings. The extra effort required to ensure successful ts’uu cedar plantings are what makes these numbers truly extraordinary; each is staked in place and protected with a tree cone to guard against browsing k’aad deer.
Taan Forest in the News: Protecting Bear Dens
Wildlife advocates say that unless urgent action is taken to protect their winter dens from the impacts of industrial logging, black bears may disappear from Vancouver Island within a generation - Read full story.
Forest Enhancement Society of BC: Press Release
Taan Projects
Taan Forest is committed to create a successful forest business and economy on Haida Gwaii based on the management objectives of the Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order (HGLUOO). Unique to this order are the management of cultural heritage and forest features, culturally significant wildlife, significant protection of fish bearing waters in addition to principles of Ecosystem Based Management.