Calling All Trapline Holders
We would like to include you in our list of communication contacts for future referrals and information about Taan’s forest management activities within your trapline area.
Our current contact list was generated from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (MFLNRORD) crown land tenure database which is outdated as it does not register trap lines that have been passed down through Haida Families.
Forest Stewardship Council® Certification Public Consultation
Taan Forest LP (Taan) is certified under the Forest Stewardship Council®(FSC®) BC-Regional Forest Management Standard (FSC Trademark License: FSC® C104355).
As part of the FSC® commitments, Taan has recently completed the 2017 Annual Monitoring Report and made some minor changes to the FSC®Management Plan.
Call For Final Public & Stakeholder Review
After an initial public and stakeholder engagement process starting May 31, 2017 Taan Forest has incorporated public and stakeholder comments and has submitted a Forest Stewardship Plan for TFL 60 and FLC A87661 (The Haida Tenure) to the Council of Haida Nation and the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations & Rural Development for final review and approval. The review process by Governments is generally 60 days during which time there can be additions and clarifications made to the plan before final sign off.