Taan Forest: Information Session Brochure
October 2023
100% Owned by the Council of the Haida Nation
Taan Forest is owned by the Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo), the economic development corporation wholly owned by the Haida Nation. Taan Forest, through HaiCo, reports to the Council of the Haida Nation and is guided by their strategic direction and Letter of Expectations.
Balancing Cultural, Environmental, and Economic Needs on Haida Gwaii
Taan Forest has a mandate to manage the Haida tenures in a sustainable manner by incorporating the values of Haida Citizens and to create a successful forest economy on Haida Gwaii with the goal of maximizing the benefits from the forest resource for the Haida Nation.
Haida Tenures
Taan Forest manages two forest tenures on Haida Gwaii - (1) Tree Farm License (TFL) 60 and (2) First Nation Woodland License N1G.
Land Base on Haida Gwaii:
*Data Source: Haida Laas Special Issue - Spring 2023
Timber Supply Review Technical Working Group Report (2019)
Annual Allowable Cut (AAC):
In 2020, the AAC for Haida Gwaii was last determined by the Haida Gwaii Management Council Timber Supply Review to be 804,000 m3. This is equivalent to about 321,600 trees. The AAC has been reduced by 58% since 2010, following the legal establishment of the management objectives in the Haida Gwaii Strategic Land Use Agreement.
Taan Forest’s AAC is 416,129 m3 of which a maximum of 147,109 m3 can be cedar. On average over the last five years, Taan harvested 86,982 m3 of cedar annually.
How Much Old Growth is on Haida Gwaii?
160,160,000m3 or an equivalent of 64,064,000 old growth trees are protected on Haida Gwaii
*Data Source: Timber Supply Review Technical Working Group Report (2019)
Harvest Billing System & HG TSR SEA
Since 1950 an estimated 80,000,000m3 were removed from Haida Gwaii. Current protection measures have 160,160,000m3 of old growth protected on Haida Gwaii.
How is Cedar Managed by Taan Forest?
1. Planting Cedar when Cedar is Harvested
All areas harvested with cedar in the harvest profile has cedar planted in return. Taan plants 130% to 150% more cedar than legally required under the Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order (HGLUOO). Second growth spruce and hemlock stands, where there is evidence of cedar in the initial stand (stumps), are replanted with a minimum of 200 stems per hectare of cedar. There is no legal requirement to plant cedar in second growth stands when there is not cedar in the harvest volume.
2. Protecting Cedar Seedlings
All cedar seedlings are protected for deer browsing by installing protectors. Protectors remain on the seedling until the cedar is above the height of a deer’s reach when feeding, and this is approximately 4 years. All protectors are removed and recycled for use again.
3. Further Cedar Management for Cultural Use and Old Growth Protection
The HGLUOO requires a 15% retention in harvest areas with >30% cedar profile. To-date 164,000 m3 of cedar or 65,600 trees have been set aside for cultural use that are not being utilized. This is equivalent to 1,864 homes that are 2,000 square feet.
4. Identifying and Protecting Monumental Cedar Trees
To date 2,138 Monumental Cedar trees have been identified by Taan. These trees are left standing and protected by a standing forest for future use. The reserves and management areas to protect these trees is 1,200 hectares. This totals 753,750 m3 or equivalent to 301,500 trees or 8,017 homes that are 2,000 square feet.
5. Harvesting the Profile and Not the Hard Partition
Taan Forest is committed on an annual basis to harvest the species profile and not just to the hard partition. The hard partition allows Taan to harvest 147,109 m3 of cedar annually. Taan harvests 35% of cedar according to the species profile and this allows Taan to have the ability to harvest cedar for the next 1,000+ years.
Annual Cedar Harvest Levels
Year of Harvest | Age of Cedar | Annual Harvest |
Now - 90 years | | 150 - 350 years old | | 147,109 m3 |
90 - 350 years | | 100 - 150 years old | | 147,109 m3 |
350+ years | | 140+ years old | | 147,109 m3 |
How Much Cedar is on Haida Gwaii?
*Data Source: Timber Supply Review Technical Working Group Report 2019
55,000,000 Old Growth Cedar Trees
20,000,000 Mature Cedar Trees
6,600,000 immature cedar trees
Local Employment & Economic Contribution:
In 2022, Taan Forest spent $29.46 million on Haida Gwaii in salaries and supporting Haida Gwaii vendors and contractors.
What is a hectare (ha)?
1 hectare is 100m X 100m or 2.47 acres
0.6 hectare = Fenced area of Old Massett ball field
0.5 hectare = Skidegate co-op parking lot
What is a cubic meter (m3)?
1 m3 = 1 telephone pole
1 m3 = 424 board feet (approximately 45% of this is created into sawdust and chip products)
Taan’s Silviculture:
Total Trees Planted since 2010 = 3,414,178 trees
Total Cedar Planted since 2010 = 1,562,344 trees
Total Hectares of Riparian and Ecosystem Restoration = 350 hectares
Taan is continuing terrestrial and soil carbon research to assist Great Bear Carbon Credit Corporation and to develop new carbon and biodiversity opportunities for the Haida Nation.
*All data without a source is current as of March 2023